The member companies of AHK Romania place competitiveness at the core of their concerns, alongside employees and their skills. The business environment views this European theme as essential to overcoming global market challenges and achieving sustainable development.
Is there anything new to say about the funny yellow faces smiling on your displays? For sure! Since their early days in the late nineties, emojis have conquered the virtual world and keep doing a great job with that!
SAMEDAY has been named Courier Company of the Year, while the title of Courier Manager of the Year 2024 was awarded to Cornel Morcov, Chief Commercial Officer of Fan Courier. The announcement was made during the tenth-anniversary edition of the Courier and Postal Services Excellence Awards Gala, organized by GovNET Romania on December 10 at the Sheraton Hotel Bucharest.
ECOTIC writes a new page in the history of electrical and electronic waste collection in Romania, reaching the threshold of 400,000 tons of WEEE collected and recycled and thus contributing to the transition to a circular economy.
Investment projects totalling more than 500 million euros are being prepared for submission by the REI Grup team under the ConstructPLUS scheme, implemented by the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism and dedicated to companies operating in the construction materials industry.
On 26 January, Directive (EU) 2022/2464 of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding companies’ sustainability reporting, known as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), was transposed into Romanian law through Ministry of Finance Order no. 85/2024 (“OMF 85/2024”).
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