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President Iohannis requests clarifications on Pillar 2 pensions

President Klaus Iohannis requested the government to clarify the intention regarding pension pillar II.

"This pillar was designed, the related legislation was created and people started to pay, believing that when they retire, they will benefit from a supplementary pension. If now, only a few years later, someone starts changing the functioning principle of Pillar II, starts to change the legislation, the whole thing will fall apart. Unfortunately, even PSD's are contradicting, but it is being abolished, or not, it is suspended, or not, it is a project that is assumed, but it is not. the question of why this PSD has created this uncertainty, what are they targeting?” said Iohannis.

President Klaus Iohannis also said that the government should explain whether he still has money for pensions and salaries by the end of the year.

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